

Support FFI

Protecting biodiversity by acquiring forests in order to conserve them without felling is expensive and does not generate economic revenue, so expanding the areas protected by the Italian Forest Fund is only possible thanks to the support of private individuals and companies

How to support FFI

The FFI's budgets are all published, click here to see them.
The following are ways in which individuals and companies can support the activities of the FFI.
For Italian taxpayers, donations to the FFI ETS are tax deductible, so request your tax-deductible receipt by filling out the form at the bottom of this page.

Join FFI

With your annual fee of 30€ you support the FFI and can, if you want, take part in the life of the Foundation. If you want to do field activities you have to indicate this in the registration form

Donate a land

You can donate land to the FFI, either forest or agricultural land. If you pay taxes in Italy, you can deduct from them the value of the donated land.

donate by bank transfer

You can make a bank transfer to  bank account n. 16732570 of Banca Etica in the name of Fondo Forestale Italiano,
IBAN IT85O0501803200000016732570

If you pay taxes in Italy, please type your Codice Fiscale in the reason of the transfer so that you'll deduct the amount from your tax.

Donate with Satispay

donate your 5x1000

If you pay taxes in Italy, you can donate your 5x1000 al Fondo Forestale Italiano. It is free for you, since is the the Italian State which gives to us the five per thousand of your tax !  Write CF 91030740608 in your tax declaration or in your mod. 730-1 or tax return

Became sponsor of FFI

We need sponsors willing to associate their name with our actions and our logo

participate in our FUND RAISES

There are currently no active ones

The form is not published.


Ask for your receipt

If you pay taxes in Italy and you have made a monetary donation, next year you will be able to deduct it or deduct it from your Form 730 or tax return. Write down your details and we will email you the deductible receipt at the beginning of next year.